Thursday 31 January 2013

DIY:Pimp Your Phone

Hey Hey,
We love cases and this is how you pimp them. EnJoy! And its realy easy and remember Practise makes Perfect!

 Things you need:
- A basiccase
- Accesoires/ Nail Supplies
-Glu or Nail Polish
-A Phone

Step 1: We gonna show you how to make a hello Kitty case!
Pic a case you preffer, but i would reccomend  this kind of cases(see picture)
And put your little stones or diamonds on your case. And you can totally go crazy. And make it totally hot.
 First take a case, Than cut the shape of hello kitty or your own shape like a heart. But make it half so you can glu it on your case. Let it dry for like 5 minutes. Then you  put the diamons on. And wolla!
Here are some links were you can buy them:
Nail Assecoires
Flat back Supplies
Rine Stones


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    1. Thanks For your comment,

      We will keep that in mind Susie.
      This will help us to inprove our blog.

